Outside of the basic correspondence between the contractor and other people, Equipment Manager generates a number of Notifications and Records that need to be sent to the Contractor. These notices and emails may need to be sent to specified employees under the Contractor. This page we will collect who and where we need to send these notifications.
Schedule EmailThis is where Equipment Manager is going to send all schedule notifications that an equipment is coming due or past due for inspection.
Service EmailThis is where Equipment Manager is going to send email regarding Equipment due for service.
Repair EmailThis is where Equipment Manager is going to send email regarding Equipment due for repair. As designated by a Technician in the field.
Invoicing EmailThis is where a copy of all invoices that are sent out by QB at the request of Equipment Manager are copied to when also sending to the Client.
Schedule Subject and BodyHere you can input text for the Subject and Body of the emails that are sent to the Customer in relation to equipment needing to be scheduled for inspection.
Past Due Subject and BodyHere you will enter text for the subject and body of the emails that are sent to the Customer related to past due inspections that need to be done.
QuickBooks Webhook EmailHere you need to enter in an email that will receive emails from the system regarding QuickBooks Webhooks. Webhooks are the data that QBO sends back to Equipment Manager when something is changed within QBO. If there is an issue or when data is received, an email about the webhook will be sent out.